How it works

Add voice AI to your research team in minutes


Customize your symphony survey. Tell your voice AI agent what to talk about with a prompt. No coding required.


Share your form with participants by sending them a link.


As users complete symphony interviews, you get recordings + insights.

Why it works

The power of human-like voice AI

Human-like interviews

Human-like voice AI feels intuitive and natural.

More insights than a form

Symphony follows up on initial user responses, digging deep on key points.

No more scheduling hassle

Participants can take interviews whenever it’s convenient (even on the go!).

Consistent quality

AI agents remove human bias and inconsistencies.

Full recordings and transcripts

Watch and search through recordings of past interviews. Perfect for detailed analysis.

Structure from unstructure

Get insights, sentiment analysis, and more - at scale.

Ready to meet the future of research?

Try it today, or schedule a demo to learn more.
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